Friday, September 4, 2020

Putting The Fun In Annihilat-fun.

 “Jeff- can you hear me?”

“Yeah. (Chuckles) Where the hell are we?”

“We’re not in Hell, man. We’re just dead. I’m in the grave next door to ya.”


“Yeah, I know. Pretty weird, but already pretty stock. Turns out being dead is pretty much the same as being alive- limited confines not withstanding. But never discount the imagination!”

“Wait, man. Uhhh how did we get here?” 

“Oh, you know. Our species’ predilection to self-destruct. Remember the election?”

“Uh, yeah. (More chuckles) That got pretty crazy. The last thing I remember is the missiles in the air.”

“Yep. And that was pretty much that. Care for a drink?”

“But we’re dead, man.”

“Sure we are. We’re dead, blah-blah-blah. But check it out- the imagination is a powerful thing. So let’s roll back the proverbial stone and have a couple of gin & tonics, shall we?”

(Muffled clinking in a mass grave from six feet under the ground.)