Sunday, January 9, 2011

Here To Win The Game.

If, as they say, we are all God's Children, then I have a very, very disappointed Parent way up there, way up high in the sky. What He must think, sitting there on high, watching His shit-faced hybrid jackal/human/junebug/village idiot creation unfurl and lunge and fall and generally malfunction right in the face of His Divine Wisdom. I'm sure he's seen worse, but man, believe it, it's still gotta hurt. It ain't easy being the Father. I suspect so, anyway.

It seems that I am destined to meet up with you guys under these circumstances.

Staying in the pocket this time. Even, deliberate pacing and descriptions are gonna rue the day. No more of this maniac hacking and unfiltered mental onrush. Content. Discipine! Well, one can dream, eh? My muse is not of that nature, evidently. And my Muse is not pretty: Sharp teeth. Vicious Stench. Steel claws. She is 100% vile, very obnoxious and will one day lord of my Dead Body. What a chronic, violent beast! But, you know, we gotta take what we are given. Thus it is said, and ever thus shall it be.

And if you think The Muse is weird, just imagine The Choir. What a grotesque gallery of Knuckleheads there!

Righto! I am back in New York after heading down to Texas to bring in the Holidays. Characteristic of my style, it was celebratory. I was in the strongest company. It is always cool to Dentonize. Dallas depresses the dog-shit out of me, but there was good people to see in that place too. But here I am. Again. This metropolis.

But nobody here is a stranger to The Metropolis, eh? Tokyo. Seoul. LA. We tend to opt for the fast lane, us Hardworlders. A sophisticated bunch dedicated to High Culture. There's probably a french phrase that would sound and look way cool for that.

Hack, wail, wheeze, moan. Hurray!

And man oh man. Why is it that I approach this business everytime with a heart chock-full of regret? A night bourne of poor choices and marred and maimed by my shit instincts? An awful mourning? It is a sad state of affairs when you are your worst enemy. But lo, Hardworlders, 'tis all mine. So might as well embrace it. All this toppling, all this instability. I had cooler shit in my head for all this, by the way. Then, whammo! Arizona congresswoman down! Then breakfast. The world is moving fast. And I am all drunk in the mix.

And there's the rub: it is a very, very twisted feeling. This wake in the Fierce quest for Absolution. The deep Wellspring, the terrible quilt of guilt and shame. Evidently, they are, both of 'em, intertangled in the ol' noggin. Who would've thought? But Man. There is a hideous purity in this wake Of The Storm. The beach is swept away. You can hear the birds, the lizards, and the apes. Nature is back, motherfucker! And though the shame and sense of self is sulking and the ego is lying all maimed and raped in the hospital ward, the Awareness of everything Eternal is elevated. It's as if you are privy to a preview of the world without you.

Or, it's like, what else can I do to myself? I did that? And I'm still here? Somehow?

But let us not tempt fate, Hardworlders! Never a good idea, that. On a sunny day many moons past, Joel and I did just that, and I found myself sleeping on a roll of toilet paper in a very, very cold cell in Grandbury, Texas. But, in all candor, I do not regret that day. There is something to be said for driving at top speed down I-35, windows down, the stereo cranked to a very appropriate volume, good laughs, good company, and an open beer between your legs. In hindsight, it all gets justified. Enough distance and the screaming...just...fades away.

Yes, I manufactured as much comfort as could be mustered. The drunk tank is never a fun place, but I tried to settle in and make a home out of it. Nonetheless. I really, really, do not like the idea of incarceration. So I gotta ride this line. Once again. It's like my favorite soul animal. the Buffalo. Buffalo meets a ballerina. The elegant Ballerafallo! The Blind Charge segueing into a brutal pirouette. Right there on the precipice. All of it in a dreadful lateral plunge soaked in maniacal alcoholism. A delicious marinade for The Fool Endeavor. Hoofs kicking up a billowing cloud. In this case, a bloody, bilious cloud of Eloquence.

Jesus. This is all getting too cerebral, eh? Maybe even boring. This is also something that I do not want. Not for you guys, anyway. I give myself free license to lame out on the rest of IT, but never ever ever on the shining stars in the Hard Firmanent. Alright. Easing down. Time for drinks. Jacob, welcome to our fine forum. What are you thirsty for? I have no soju, are you cool with whiskey? Maybe a beer. Hell, got 'em both coming your way. Heeeeeeeeeeere you go. Enjoy. Daug, I have prepared you something that I'm sure will do the trick. An Irish Car-Bomb. Chug-a-lug good buddy! Graybill, well, you've probably had your fill of saki, so I opted for something pure and brutal. Here, drink this entire bottle of Everclear. That's it. Don't give me that look. Finish it. Great! What? Yeah I know, they were a really terrible band. Just let me just snort this and I'm going to get down and serious here with this 151. This is, after-all, a serious night. We are deep into the Business. What shall we settle first? North Korea? Is that all empty rhetoric and public posturing or is there real validity in the threat? What about this Arizona congress-lady? Jesus. We live in divided times. I guess they all are, but still...

Alright, on to lighter fare. Have any of you seen Black Swan? My good Disappointed Deity, you gotta. It is fucking incredible. It's like hanging onto an electric fence for two hours. Except it's kind of exquisite, the pain. True Grit was great, but Black Swan will still be around in ten years. Aronofsky. Goddamn. Portman. Good double backflip in slow motion goddamn. What was that? No, I have not seen Tron. I was going to, but now...kind of scared. I may just cruise around on the idea I have of Tron. I think it may be better that way.

Alright. Where was I? One pretty girl winks at you in the street, and The Universe just melts down into dust and rust. Everything just goes fuck-all entropic. The brain instantly goes French, submits to the menace of the Ego and His Genitals. Bones in the ol' clockwork. Anyway. Not your concern. Gotta make an effort here. This a Hardworlders entry, goddammit! Nothing less than the finest locutions will do. How do you live, Joel? This is the regular state of affairs for you. How do you manage to get anything done?

There are other reasons behind this perpetual state. This self-inflicted scorching. I guess that's what this whole shebang is all about. Getting into the mind. Dark rumblings. A very delicate process. Not about the comings and goings of the day, etc. What is there really to say about that? Wake. Masturbate. Eat. Walk around. Discombobulation. Events. Routine. Physical waste. Applied effort, to something. Eat. Strong drink. Deluded optimism. Dissolution. Lights out. Repeat. Over and over. Phoenix from the ashes. This shit happens everywhere. Until it doesn't anymore.

And that's when the real shit goes down. Or not. Who knows? If they yank that mystery out of our lives then man, oh man, are we Fucked.


So, until then, might as well dip into all this murk and all this mire that is the briars and the Great Thicket of the consciousness. It is a painful saga, absolutely, but the only real post-modern choice. When you're situated at the top of the Grand Pyramid, the weirdo masonic Cosmic Eye comes to rest squarely on You. Hm. Hold on. Wait a second- I don't own a Lexus, I sleep on a couch and I am definitively unemployed...perhaps I'm being a bit hasty on the pyramid bit. Maybe I've got a few stairs to stagger up still.

And that's what we call Living the Dream here in this Hardworld.

Struggle. Grapple. Burp. Excrete. Repeat.

Happy New Year!

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